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Spring 1998The course material is stored in three formats. The most basic format is "html" which is the standard format used by web browsers. To access this material, it is recommended that you use the most recent versions of either the Netscape or Microsoft web browsers. (Both are free for academic users.) Click the links below to obtain these browsers.
The course slides are stored in a second format "pdf" also known as Adobe Acrobat. To view these slides you will need to obtain a "plug-in" module for that will enable your browser to recognize this format. The plug-in works with both the Microsoft and Netscape browsers. You can obtain this free plug-in directly from Adobe by clicking the link below.
Finally, there are some Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. To use these, you should use the "save to file" option of your web browser, then you can view the spreadsheets at your leisure. To do so it is highly recommended that you use Microsoft Excel (which you may purchase at an academic discount at ASUCLA), although you can view them in a more limited way using a free spreadsheet viewer from Microsoft.