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Registered students at UCLA are invited to participate in a research study at CASSEL. The purpose of this study is to help social scientists better understand decision-making by observing your decisions. Information that could identify you will remain confidential and will be disclosed only with your permission or as required by law.
You may sign up to participate in specific experiments using our web-calendar. The calendar indicates the start and end-time of available sessions and the show-up fee. Some sessions may require a consent agreement in addition to this one. If so, it will be clearly described during the sign up process.
If you choose to participate, you will be asked to decide between alternatives. At the beginning of the session you will receive detailed and accurate instructions describing how payments will depend on decisions made by you and other participants. The rules and the payments may vary across sessions and may differ between participants. Interaction takes place over a computer network, and your identity is not revealed to other participants. Should you choose to withdraw after listening to the instructions, you are entitled to collect the show up fee and are under no further obligation to us. If you choose to stay for the decision making portion of the session, you are entitled to the show-up fee plus whatever money you have earned during the course of the session. Payment is usually made following the session in cash. Payment is made in private and you will sign a payment receipt. The receipt is for accounting purposes only.
Participants do not waive any legal rights through their participation. Your participation is voluntary. If you decide to participate, you are free to withdraw your consent and discontinue participation at any time without penalty. Your decision whether or not to participate will not affect your relationship with UCLA or any other organization. The use of deception at CASSEL is prohibited. If you have any questions about CASSEL, or the research conducted at CASSEL, you are encouraged to contact David Avery at (310) 825-7703. If you have any questions regarding your rights as a research subject, you may contact the Office for the Protection of Research Subjects, University of California Los Angeles, Box 951694, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1694; telephone: (310) 825-8714.
If you are interested in participating please provide your name and email address in the form above. This information is used only to organize and administer experiments.
By pressing "accept" you are indicating that you have read and agreed with this information. Once registered, we will contact you in the future by email to let you know of forthcoming sessions, or you may sign up directly on our calendar.
Home | Register | Open Experiment(s): 1 |
May 25, 2001 3:21:27 PM |
Experiment Sign-up Page
There is an experiment scheduled for June, 1, 2001
Start Time: 2:00 PM
End Time: 3:00 PM
Show up Fee: $10.00
If you would like to review the consent form, please click here.
If you would like to sign up for the experiment please enter your email address and click on the "Sign-Up" Button.
New to CASSEL? Please go to our
registration page to register.
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