Jex - supported Latex (and Mathtype)
by David K. Levine
Jex expects latex fragments enclosed in brackets {} and treats $'s as \$'s
Macros that do not exist in standard Latex; Jex will always
try to convert these to equivalent Latex macros before writing, so
these should not ordinarily occur in Jex output
\leftgroup{} \rightgroup{} - groups of fence delimiters, for example \leftgroup{[} is equivalent to \left[
\overset{}{} - groups of embellishments set above, for example \overset{-}{a} is equivalent to \overline a
\underset{}{} - groups of embellishments set below, for example \underset{-}{a} is equivalent to \underline a
{} \overgroup{}{} - groups of horizontal division style delimiters, for example {a} \overgroup{-} {b} is equivalent to a \over b
\unicode{c-style-hex-string} - the unicode character refered to by hex-string
Treatment of functions
functions such as \log \sin and so forth are converted by Jex to \mathrm{log} \mathrm{sin}
Latex constructs supported in Jex
No non-mathematical constructs are supported, and support for some
symbols are not yet implemented. When macros unknown to it are
encountered, Jex will try to ignore them.
\begin{align} \end{align}
\begin{array} \end{array}
\\ recognized as an array delimiter, but comments are not supported
\, \: \; negative spaces are neither recognized nor implemented
\left[{( \right]})
superscripts and subscripts
upper and lower case greek alphabet
named functions
embellishments both narrow and wide and underline
all the symbols I know about except those listed below
Not Supported
under and overbraces
\begin{math} \begin{display}
\begin{equation} and the corresponding \end and the abbreviations \( \[
these are
essentially meaningless in Jex but the parser needs to do a better job
of ignoring them
Symbols I know about that are not supported
// * \hat{o} is similar to the circumflex (cf. \^)
// * \widehat{oo} is a wide version of \hat over several letters
// * \check{o} is a vee or check (cf. \v)
// * \tilde{o} is a tilde (cf. \~)
// * \widetilde{oo} is a wide version of \tilde over several letters
// * \acute{o} is an acute accent (cf. \`)
// * \grave{o} is a grave accent (cf. >\')
// * \dot{o} is a dot over the letter (cf. \.)
// * \ddot{o} is a double dot over the letter
// * \breve{o} is a breve
// * \bar{o} is a macron (cf. \=)
// * \vec{o} is a vector (arrow) over the letter
// * \mp minus or plus sign
// * \div divided by sign
// * \ast an asterisk (centered)
// * \star a five-point star (centered)
// * \circ an open bullet
// * \ll much less than
// * \gg much greater than
// * \sim similar to
// * \simeq similar or equal to
// * \per "perpendicular to" symbols
// * \langle (left angle bracket)
// * \rangle (right angle bracket)
// * uparrow (uparrow)
// * downarrow (down arrow)
// * updownarrow (up/down arrow)
// * \cdots horizontally center of line (math mode only)
// * \ddots diagonal (math mode only)
// * \vdots vertical (math mode only)
// * \oint a surface (circular) integral sign
// * \bigcup big "U"
// * \bigcap big inverted "U"
// * \bigvee big "V"
// * \bigwedge big inverted "V"
// * \bigodot big "O" with dot at center
// * \bigotimes big "O" with cross inside
// * \bigoplus big "O" with a + inside
// * \biguplus big "U" with a + inside
// * \varepsilon (variation, script-like)
// * \vartheta (variation, script-like)
// * \varpi (variation)
// * \varrho (variation, with the tail)
// * \varsigma (variation, script-like)
// * \aleph Hebrew aleph
// * \hbar h-bar, Planck's constant
// * \imath variation on i; no dot
// * \jmath variation on j; no dot
// * \wp fancy script lowercase P
// * \Im script capital I (Imaginary)
// * \prime prime (also obtained by typing ')
// * \surd radical (square root) symbol
// * \angle angle symbol
// * \forall for all (inverted A)
// * \exists exists (left-facing E)
// * \triangle open triangle symbol
// * \Box open square
// * \Diamond open diamond
// * \flat music: flat symbol
// * \natural music: natural symbol
// * \clubsuit playing cards: club suit symbol
// * \diamondsuit playing cards: diamond suit symbol
// * \heartsuit playing cards: heart suit symbol
// * \spadesuit playing cards: space suit symbol