Configure RedHat Linux Fedora Core 1 for the TC1000

by David K. Levine (modified from earlier information on Severn)
Download the zip file containing the configuration and other files.

Modem NEW: Download the 2.96 beta smartlink drivers (the release version of the drivers compile and run, but do not dial the modem correctly). Follow the instructions. Hat tip to Andy Schofield for discovering the the smartlink drivers work with the TC1100.

ACPI: Make sure to install the acpi rpm from the iso. Use the kernel parameter acpi=on to enable the ac, processor, button, and battery modules. The cpuid, msr and longrun modules must be loaded using modprobe. All of the modules are shipped with the Fedora Core.

Wifi: Unpack the directory atmelwlandriver and make the module. Since the module is already compiled, you should be able to do make install as root. Copy ifcfg-eth1 to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts and edit it to provide the wireless and tcpip options relevant to your setup. The driver works fine with WEP. Do not load eth1 during boot, since the wlan driver isn't yet loaded. If you /sbin/modprobe pcifvnet this will load the driver and bring up eth1. The script radioon does this, and is suitable for adding to toolbars.

Touch keyboard: Install xvkbd from the rpm. Replace the existing /etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup_0 with the version in the zip file. This adds a line to the end of the script that will load xvkbd at the logon screen. You will also likely want to put a button for xvkbd on a toolbar. This setup will leave the keyboard on the screen after login.

Screen and Pen:
Three drivers are used: the XFree86 nv and vesa drivers and the tc1000 xvesa driver from kdrive. The instructions below install both and scripts for switching between them.
  1. Make sure you know how to use grub to boot into run level 3 in case you make a mistake.
  2. Unpack the directory fpi2002-0.1 and make the module. This program is from Michael Rolig. Since the module is already compiled, you should be able to do make install as root.
  3. Copy, XFConfig.port, XFConfig.dual to /etc/X11.
  4. Copy myxinit to /etc/init.d and make a symbolic link to it named S30myxinit in /etc/rc5.d. This makes it possible to choose the video mode at bootup by setting kernel parameters myorient=xvesa for the xvesa driver, myorient=port for the nv driver in portrait (sideways) orientation, myorient=dual to clone the lcd screen to the vga connection using the vesa driver. The default is to use, which uses the nv driver in landscape mode. The myxinit script also loads the fpi2002 module, configures the serial port used by the pen, and loads the needed the acpi modules.
  5. Make sure in /boot/grub/grub.conf to set the kernel parameter nogui or the pen won't work. You can look at the included grub.conf for a sample of how to set up grub properly.
  6. Copy Xmodmap to .Xmodmap in your home directory. I have it set so the scroll wheel does page up and page down; you may wish to change this, and set other options found in Michael Rolig's xmodmaprc file. Note that the pen works differently than under Windows XP - under XP holding down the pen for a short time is equivalent to the right mouse button; under Linux, holding down the pen and clicking the pen button is equivalent to the right mouse button.
  7. Copy tck1_drv.o to /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/input. This program is from Michael Rolig.
  8. Copy Xvesa and runXvesa to /usr/X11R6/bin. The Xvesa file is from Matthew Allum, the scripts adapted from Jamey Hicks
  9. For both files chown root:root, chmod 711, chmod u+s 
  10. mv XFree86 to XFree86.sve
  11. The script tab-switch-screen, which must be run as root (for example using sudo) will switch between portrait and landscape modes. If you are using the xvesa driver the switch is immediate. If you are using the nv drivers it will bring up the gnome logout screen. If you logout and log backin, the orientation will be switched. I suggest creating a button for it on a toolbar. If you are courageous, you can use the autologin feature and /usr/sbin/gdm-restart. This will speed things up and switch orientation without having to intervene. It will also kill any data you are working on if you forget to save first.
Screen and Pen Comments:
switch orientation
clone external display
mouse wheel
scroll wheel
pen calibration
view console
log in and out of X
yes yes
can't turn off backlight
no, landscape only
yes yes can't turn off backlight awkward

Don't mess with the module. Use captive - this will give read/write access and is easy to install. Be sure to install from the rpm - it works fine under Fedora Core. The targz install does not work under Fedora Core, even when the install program is patched to eliminate the obvious shell errors. Warning: rm -fR does not work particularly well on ntfs directories, rm fails on very large files, and the creation of symbolic links isn't supported, so you can't do massive file management on the ntfs partition. You cannot create large files one the ntfs partition and mount them using the loopback device. When you upgrade the kernel you will want to run /usr/share/lufs/prepmod to rebuild the lufs kernel module.
If you give up: Neither captive nor the ntfs module are useful for large scale file management or management of large files, so I gave up and converted the ntfs partition to ext3. You do this in two steps. First, you need to make grub the bootloader /sbin/grub-install /dev/hda. It is a good idea to test that this worked by rebooting before proceeding - if it worked you will see the grub boot screen first, rather than the Windows XP boot screen. If it didn't work and you proceed to the next step, you have rendered your computer unbootable. The second step is to convert the ntfs  partition using /sbin/mkfs.ext3 /dev/hda1. You may also want to assign a label to your new partition /sbin/e2label /dev/hda1 my_new_label and enable the new partition to be mounted on bootup by creating an entry in /etc/fstab such as
LABEL=my_new_label     /where_I_want_to_mount_my_partition defaults  ext3 1 2

Wayv: wayv is a gesture recognition program. This version is modified so that it can also be used to annotate the screen during presentations (using the vesa or Xvesa configurations). Unpack the wayv directory and make the program. Because it is already compiled, you should be able to do make install as root. Copy the wayv.conf and DEFAULT.wkey files to some convenient directory such as your home directory (both in the same directory). To run >wayv /path/to/wayv.conf mandatory-option. If mandatory-option is annotate it opens in annotation mode; if it anything else (except blank) it will open in gesture recognition mode.
Vmware: You will have to recompile the modules of course. You must use the gcc32 compiler, rather than the default gcc compiler. Install the gcc32 from the rpm if necessary. Use
>CC=gcc32; export CC;

Crossover Office: Use version 2.1.

Notetaking Program: use Jarnal.

Kernel Upgrade Reminder List: Fedora now seems to be releasing a new kernel about once a week. Here are the reminders of what you have to do each time you upgrade the kernel: