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Respond to the question: Question about auction algorithm?
01/07/2020 01:51 AM by deb; Question about auction algorithm
I have one question about the auction algorithm as developed by Bertsekas et al in order to solve assignment problems. In (very) short, considering a same number of agents and objects, the algorithm consists in two phases, the [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Deviation Constraint Mechanism iff Nash?
05/17/2015 07:21 PM by name withheld; Deviation Constraint Mechanism iff Nash-implementable
Please help me about this question! [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Kindly request direction on applying gam?
08/25/2012 08:37 AM by name withheld; Interesting
[View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: tradable pollution permits?
12/09/2011 02:35 PM by Francie F; tradable pollution permits
Can anyone suggest me any free paper about allocation of tradable permits for pollution through auctions? How could i develop the problem of 2 firms participating to a second price sealed auction and then deciding their optimal [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Which auction model is appropriate for m?
05/03/2011 01:54 PM by name withheld; Which auction model is appropriate for my problem?
Hi, my apologies if my problem is a no-brainer, I am very new to auction theory and appreciate any pointers in the right directions e.g. in the scientific literature. I am looking for an appropriate auction model where a sold good [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: double auctions questions advanced?
04/22/2010 05:31 AM by the auctioneer; double auctions questions ( advanced )
hi I found some challenging questions... Consider the double auction with one seller and one buyer (Chatterjee and Samuelson (1983)). The valuations vs and vb of the seller and the buyer are independently drawn from the uniform [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Sealed second price auction?
09/16/2007 06:55 PM by name withheld; Sealed second price auction
Consider the following two-person, "sealed bid" auction. There is $10 up for auction. Suppose the bids are $1.25 and $11. Is this strategy profile a Nash Equilibrium of the game? [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Snake Draft Game Theory?
04/19/2007 12:35 PM by Brett; Snake Draft Game Theory
I am interested in determining how value should be calculated in a snake draft. For example, there are 4 drafters (A,B,C, and D). Each must select 2 elements from each of 5 categories (Z,Y,X,W,V) in a snake draft order [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: all pay auction with probability of win?
08/20/2006 02:14 AM by name withheld; all pay auction, with probability of winning less than 1
how would you compute an equilibrium for an all-pay auction with two bidders, where if x1 and x2 are the two bids, the probability of winning is xi/(x1+x2)? it looks like there is no pure strategy equilibrium, but then i'm not sure how [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: multiunit auction?
07/30/2006 10:33 AM by name withheld; Waiting-Line Auctions
If each person’s private valuation is common knowledge, then in the equilibrium all the persons with valuation greater than v101 will arrive simultaneously at the waiting line at the time that waiting cost is equal to v101. All others [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: double auctions?
05/15/2006 10:24 PM by name withheld; Double auction From Wikipedia Double auction is a type of auctions in which both sellers and buyers submit bids which are then ranked highest to lowest to generate demand and supply profiles. From the profiles, the [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Nash Eq NE and Competitive EqCE?
06/13/2005 11:33 AM by Frank; Nash Eq. (NE) and Competitive Eq.(CE)
In a mutli-unit double auction, how is NE related to CE? Could the NE be reachable by a dynamic process? Thanks. [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Looking for auction expert for telecom l?
06/08/2005 09:16 AM by Christopher S. Kaelin; Looking for auction expert for telecom license auction
I am looking for an expert who is experienced in assisting bidders in developing a bidding strategy for use in electromagnetic spectrum license auctions in the telecoms industry. Who could help us in this? Pls send a CV to [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Game theory and auction theory?
03/22/2005 06:02 AM by Edward; Game theory and auction theory
Can Game Theory determine the optimal auction rules that will extract the highest surplus from buyers? Any help on this question would be appreciated. [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Information on sealed bid double auction?
01/28/2005 06:42 AM by Ella Segev; Information on sealed bid double auctions
Can someone tell me where can I find a characterization of equilibria in a sealed bid double auction game but with only two types of buyer and two types of seller (high valuation and low valuation)? Is there a name for such games? [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: 3rd price auctions?
12/01/2004 10:44 AM by name withheld; whats the equlibrium for 80/90/100 values 3rd price auction ?
whats the equlibrium for 80/90/100 values 3rd price auction ? [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: I need some reference about auction game?
11/18/2004 02:23 AM by Badis; I need some reference about auction game model
Dear all, I'm new in this field, I'm looking for books, paper, resoucce in internet,... and I'm open to any informations that can help me to have some existing models. Thank you for your help, [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: HelpA problem about multidemands aucti?
10/28/2004 08:47 AM by ligendao; Help!A problem about multi-demands auction
Recently I am reasching a problem that a seller have some identical goods to sell by the way of auction and some bidders which have more than one unit demands want to bid the goods.How to analyze the auction? Thanks! [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Help with auction strategy?
05/14/2004 06:42 AM by Mark; Auction type - English
I should have added that the auction is likely to be English - open bidding [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Fur auction theory?
05/05/2004 12:22 AM by Matthias; Fur auction theory
Hi, for a research project, I'm looking for informations about Fur Auction Theory (like papers, rules, theory... news). If you have any idea, thank you to let me know. Matthias [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: seminarion?
12/13/2003 06:33 AM by murray; seminarion
I need to make a comparison between several kinds of auctions. I need to get DATA of first and second bid auctions and also dutch and english auctions. [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: none?
09/30/2003 03:38 PM by name withheld;
I am looking for references to a second price double auction in the game theory literature Thanks [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Independence of private information?
01/24/2003 01:45 AM by J. Lee; RE: Independence of private information
When modelling standard auctions, private information of bidders (that is basically about their valuations - of course, their valuations can also be private or interdependent) can be modelled as either independent or [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Need help on sealed bid auction game?
11/14/2002 06:08 AM by name withheld;
payoff function is probability of your bid being higher (not equal: P[Y=x]=0) times (v-p). Uniform distribution on [0,1] gives us P[Y [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Looking for an expert in early electroni?
11/01/2002 12:07 PM by Pat Murzyn; Looking for an expert in early electronic auctions
I am looking for someone knowledgeable about the earliest uses of electronic auctions. I have a particular interest in an extendable closing time (to prevent sniping). Any/All help appreciated. I would really appreciate if you also [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Solutions to exercises in Game Theory bo?
10/27/2002 11:27 AM by Irfan; Solutions to exercises in Game Theory books
Hi, I am a computer programmer with little knowledge of economics but strong in math. I'm working on devising algorithms to solve games. I need to look at solutions to the unsolved exercises in Game Theory & microeconomics books by [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: first price sealed auctions with known m?
06/16/2002 08:46 PM by Sungbin Cho; Re:first price sealed auctions with known m?
What do you mean by "knwown market value"? If you have common value case in your mind, then the bidding function is different from that in independent private value case. You can drive symmetric linear bidding schedules(bi=a*si+b*sj) [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: dynamic mechanism design?
04/30/2002 11:25 PM by Sungbin Cho; Re:dynamic mechanism design
You can check Game theory by Fudenberg and Tirole and references therein. [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: RNNE bid function?
03/25/2002 12:52 PM by Sungbin Cho; Re:RNNE bid function
If you mean by risk netral nash equilibrium a nash equilibrium of the game where bidders are risk netral, then you can llok at the book "The Analytics of Uncertainty and Information" by Hirshleifer and Riley(pp.386-390). And you can [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: AuctionBid Strategy for Government?
03/23/2002 02:00 PM by Khurram Dastgir-Khan; Auction/Bid Strategy for Government
What is the optimum strategy for governments when (1) auctioning out certain functions i.e., tax collection, where the HIGHEST bid is sucessful; and (2) inviting bids for provision of services or materials, where the LOWEST bid is [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: RNNE bid function?
03/23/2002 08:47 AM by Dorothee; RNNE bid function
I am looking for basic literature that derives the risk neutral Nash equilibrium bid function in first-price seald-bid auctions. [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Auction in practice?
03/14/2002 08:54 AM by name withheld; Auction in practice
Hi, I am working for an investment management company in LA. When we rebalance our various accounts each month, we contact same 5 brokers to get their bids for executing trades of our portfolios. At the end of each auction, we don't [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Sealed bid theorm?
01/12/2002 01:04 AM by Sungbin Cho; Re:Sealed Bid Theorem
What you ask seems how you can get symetric equilibrium budding function in the first-price sealed bud auction, where each individual's value of goods is drawn from uniform distribution. You can consult any textbook on game theory. [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Need help on sealed bid auction game?
11/21/2001 01:37 PM by drusscol; Need help on sealed bid auction game
I was given the following question for homework, and I'm having some trouble with it. Consider a first price, sealed bid auction. There are two bidders, 1 and 2. Bidder i values the good at v(i). If she pays p for the good then the [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Signal jamming in repeated IPV auctions?
11/20/2001 11:39 PM by A. Banerji; Signal jamming in repeated IPV auctions
In Porter and Hendricks' paper on Collusion in Auctions (Annales d'economie et de statistique) there is a reference to signal jamming in repeated IPV auctions as an explanation for players shading their bids below their valuations. [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: auction theory?
05/08/2001 08:14 AM by jean lanud;
Hi Qing Ding, you may find paper about auction in this web site: cheers [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: 3rd price auctions?
03/12/2001 07:15 AM by name withheld; 3rd price auctions ?
Can exist a Nash equilibria, in 3rd price auctions, when every bidder choose the same price ? ( assume that the biders are at least 3 ) If yes, which price ? [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Kindly request direction on applying gam?
10/12/2000 08:21 PM by Yue Zhang;
I think he's talking about the model of some online retailers, such as With more buyer participate, the price will drop according to some rule. So for a buyer, he has to determine when to come in and for a seller, he [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: multiple blind bids?
06/03/2000 08:43 AM by David Levine;
There is an idea related to this: an English auction is the familiar auction where the bidders submit increasing bids, until no one will bid higher. An alternative is a sealed bid second auction: everyone submits a sealed bid, the [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Kindly request direction on applying gam?
05/23/2000 12:56 PM by Eric Chou;
Can you clearify some of the confusion in your description of the issue? I put my question in the <> in your original text. ============================================ The issue involves a series of transactions that are [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: multiple blind bids?
04/20/2000 10:41 AM by Szu-Wen Chou;
In the auction literature that I know of, time saving is not a major concern becasue the model usually assume discount rate equals one. In such kind of setting, the scheme you have propose does not change any thing, i.e. the buyers will [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Transportation Exchange?
02/22/2000 06:26 PM by Pedro Dal Bó; Transportation and network effects
Unfortunately I am not aware of papers analyzing auction like situations with network effects. On the latter I can mention Katz and Shapiro seminal papers in the eighties. [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: When one bidder has an advantage?
01/18/2000 05:09 PM by John G. Riley; An answer
The central issue is how bidding is affected if one of the bidders is allowed to match rather than bid himself. Numerical methods might be needed in general, but there is one special case which is easy to analyse. [View full text and thread]