March 2025
- September 2023-present
- Leverhulme International Professor of Economics
- Royal Holloway University of London; Egham, Surrey TW20
0EX - UK
- July 2016-present
- John H. Biggs Distinguished Professor Emeritus,
Department of Economics
- Washington University in St. Louis; Campus Box 1208; St.
Louis MO 63130-4899
PHONE: [+44] 178
; [+1] (314) 935-5670; E-MAIL: david@dklevine.com; WWW:
- UCLA, BA, Mathematics, June 1977
- UCLA, MA, Economics, June 1977
- MIT, Ph.D., Economics, June 1981
- Assistant Professor of Economics, UCLA, July 1981 - June 1986
- Associate Professor of Economics, University of Minnesota, September
1987 - June 1988
- Professor of Economics, UCLA, July
1987 - June 1997
- Armen Alchian Professor of Economics, UCLA, July 1997 - June 2006
- John H. Biggs Distinguished Professor, Washington
University in St. Louis, July 2006 - June 2016
- Professor of Economics and Joint Chair Robert Schuman Center for
Advanced Study, European University Institute, September 2013 - August
Coordinator: covid-19-research-conduit.org; Coordinator:
EUI Covid-19 Knowledge Hub; Member, Covid-19
Scientific Advisory Board, CERGE-EI; European Economic Review Special
Section on Covid (with Cecile Aubert, Cezar Santos, and Flavio Toxvaerd)
- Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation
Grants, 1985 - 2013 (c. $60,000/year)
- Fellow of the Econometric Society, 1989
- Economics Department Vice Chairman, Graduate Affairs, UCLA, July
1986 - June 1987
- Coeditor: Economic Theory, March 1992 -
December 1996
- Council on Academic Personnel, UCLA, September 1992 -
September 1995
- National Science Foundation Economics Panel, August
1995 - June 1997
- Coeditor: Review of Economic Dynamics, November
1996 - June 2001
- Economics Department Chair, UCLA, July 1999 -
June 2000
- Co-Principal Investigator, National Science
Foundation Grant, September 1999, “Development of a Large
Experimental Laboratory,” Award Number: 9977244 ($835,125)
- Co-Director, CASSEL, UCLA, July 1999 - 2004
- American Economic Association Committee on Honors and
Awards, 2002-2007
- Coeditor: Econometrica, July 2003 - June 2008
- Sloan Research Fellowship Program Committee,
- Economics Department Chair, UCLA, January 2005 - June
- President, Society of Economic Dynamics, July
2006 - June 2009
- Research Associate, NBER Program on Economic
Fluctuations and Growth, April 2006-June 2016
- Co-Director, MISSEL, Washington University in St. Louis, July 2009 -
June 2013
- Council Member, Society of Economic Dynamics, July
2009 - present
- Board of Directors, Econ Job Market,
- Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory,
member of Executive Committee, January 2011 - present
- Vice President, Society for the Advancement of
Economic Theory, January 2011- May 2011
- Economic Theory Fellow, 2011
- National Science Foundation ICES
Panel, January 2011
- President, Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory, June 2011 - May 2013
- Board Member, International Society for New
Institutional Economics, March 2014 - present
- Coeditor: Research in Economics, February 2018
- 2022
- Coeditor: European
Economic Review, June 2020 - present
- Council member: Game Theory Society, August 2021 -
- Research Associate: CEPR Program on Political
Economy, January 2024 - present
Crisis of Expert Knowledge Research Cluster (with Peter
Drahos and Gaby Umbach); Theory and Political Economy Reading Group
(with Zeinab Aboutalebi)
- Joint Appointee, UCLA Institute of Industrial Relations, 1982 - 1984
- Visiting Scholar, Cambridge University, Department of Applied
Economics, Winter 1985
- Visitor, Mathematical Science Research Institute, September 1985
- Visitor, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis,
September 1987 - June 1988
- Visiting Scholar, Institut D'Analisis Economica,
Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, June 1990
- Visiting Professor of Economics, Caltech, September
1990 - March 1991
- Committee on Academic Personnel, UC, September 1993 -
June 1995
- Visiting Scholar, Carlos III, Madrid, Fall 1995
- Visiting Professor, Tel Aviv University, July 1996
- National Science Foundation Subcommittee on Human
Subjects, May 2001 - January 2002
- Visiting Professor, Torcuato Di Tella University,
Department of Economics, July 2001
- Visiting Professor, University of Texas, Austin,
October 2003
- Visiting Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong,
March 2004
- Visiting Professor, Seoul National University, April
- Research Consultant, Federal Reserve Bank of
Minneapolis, July 2004-December 2005
- Distinguished Lecturer, Brown University, April 2005
- Hooker Professor, McMaster University, March 2009
- Research Associate, Federal Reserve Bank of St.
Louis, March 2009 - present
- Visitor, EIEF, Rome, 2009-2010
- Visitor, EUI, Florence 2010-2011
- Research Associate, Center for Advanced Study in
Economic Efficiency, 2010
- Visitor, Center for Economic Studies in Munich, May
- Member CESifo Network, 2010
- Advisory Board, Center for the Study of Innovative
Freedom, 2010
- Fernand Braudel Fellow, EUI, Florence 2011
- Departmental Scholar in Economics, UCLA, September 1975 - June
- Foundation for Research in Education and Economics Fellowship,
September 1976 - June 1977
- Phi Beta Kappa, Summa Cum Laude in Mathematics, UCLA, June
- Daus Prize in Mathematics, UCLA, June 1977
- Graduate Fellowship, MIT, September 1977 - June 1981
- Foundation for Research in Education and Economics Grant, Summer
- UCLA Institute of Industrial Relations Grant 1982 - 84
- Office of Instructional Development Grant, UCLA, Summer 1984
- Academic Senate Research Grants, UCLA, 1981 - 1999, 2000
- Special Recognition for Excellence in Mentoring from the Graduate
Student Senate, April 2012
- 1994 Society of Economic Dynamics and Control Meeting
- 2003 International Economics Review - Lawrence Klein Lecture
- 2004 Chinese University of Hong Kong Sir Edward Youde Memorial
Fund Visiting Professorship Scheme Public Lecture
- 2004 Canadian Economic Theory Conference
- 2004 World Congress of the Game Theory Society
- 2004 Latin American Econometric Society Meetings
- 2008 University of Pennsylvania PIER Lecture
- 2008 Canada Ministry of Finance, Inaugural Shoyama Lecture
- 2009 McMaster University Hooker Lecture
- 2009 European University Institute, Max Weber Lecture
- 2009 Economic Science Association Meetings
- 2011 SAET Presidential Address
- 2015 Waterloo Arts Distinguished Lecture in Economics
- 2015 UECE Lisbon Meetings
- 2017 Latin American Meeting of the Econometric Society
- 2019 Spring Meeting of Young Economists, Brussels, Keynote Lecture
- 2020 Erasmus Research Afternoon,
Keynote Lecture
- 2021 Indiana Ostrom Political
Economy Program Inaugural Lecture
- 2023 EWET, Naples
- Abstracts of Working Papers in Economics (January 1987 -
December 1987): Associate Editor
- Journal of Economic Theory (June 1987 - September 1996):
Associate Editor
- Econometrica (July 1996 - June 1999): Associate Editor
- Economic Bulletin (December 2000 - December 2002):
Associate Editor
- NAJ Economics (September 2001 - present): Coeditor
- ELSS Theory (October 2002 - January 2004): Advisory Board
- Theoretical Economics (January
2004 - March 2010): Executive Board Member, (June 2010 - present):
Associate Editor
- Games (March 2010 -
- Economic Theory (January 1990
- February 1992; January 1997 - September 1999): Associate
Editor; September 2011 - present: Advisory Board Member
- Latin
Journal of Economics (January 2013-present): Editorial
Board Member
- Latin
Economic Review (March 2013-present): Editorial Board
Academy of Management Review,
Addison-Wesley, American
Economic Review, American Journal of Political Economy,
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Canada Council, Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral
Neuroscience, DIRASAT,
D.C. Heath, Econometrica, Economic Inquiry, Economic
Journal, Economic Theory, Estudios Economicos de el Colegio de
Mexico, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, European Journal
of Political Economy, Games and Economic Behavior,
Harper Collins, Information Economics and Policy, International
Economic Review, Israel-US Binational Science Foundation,
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Journal of
Econometrics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Journal of
Economic Literature, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy,
Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Labor Economics,
Journal of Mathematical Economics, Journal of Multivariate
Analysis, Journal of Political Economy, Labour,
Mathematics of Operations Research, Netherlands Research
Council, National Science Foundation, Operations Research,
Oxford University Press, Physical Review Letters, Prentice
Hall, Princeton University Press, Quarterly Journal of Economics,
Rand Journal of Economics, Rationality and Society, Review
of Economic Dynamics, Review of Economic Studies, Scandinavian
Journal of Economics, Science, Scottish Journal of Political Economy,
Zeitschrift Fur Nationalekonomie
Summer Econometric Society Meetings, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1997, member
program committee: Mathematical Economics; Winter Econometric Society
Meetings, 1990, member program committee: Mathematical Economics; Far
West Regional Theory Conference, 1992, conference organizer; 7th World
Congress of the Econometric Society, 1995, member program committee;
Summer Econometric Society Meetings 2002, program committee co-chair;
Summer Society of Economic Dynamics Meetings 2003, program committee;
Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory 2003, program committee
- The Economics of Information, (edited with Steven A.
Lippman), Edward Elgar (1995).
- Learning in Games: A Symposium in Honor of David Blackwell
(edited with Dean Foster and Rakesh Vohra), a special issue of Games
Economic Behavior (1999).
- Dynamic Games (edited with Aldo Rustichini), a special
issue of Review of Economic Dynamics (2000).
- Proceedings of the 2002 North American Summer Meetings of the
Econometric Society (edited with William Zame)
- Long Run Collaboration on Games
with Long Run Players (with Drew Fudenberg), World
Scientific Publishing (2008)
- Special Issue in Honor of Lloyd
Shapley: Seven Topics in Game Theory, a special issue of
Games and Economic Behavior (2018)
- Theory
of Learning in Games (with Drew Fudenberg), MIT Press
- Against
Intellectual Monopoly (with Michele Boldrin), Cambridge
University Press (2008)
- Is
Behavioral Economics Doomed? Openbook Publishers (2012)
- "Comparative Statics and Perfect Foresight in Infinite Horizon Economies," (with T. Kehoe), Econometrica, 53: 433-453, 1985.
- "Reputation and Equilibrium Selection in Games with a Patient Player," (with D. Fudenberg), Econometrica, 57: 759-778, 1989.
- "Self-Confirming Equilibrium," (with D. Fudenberg), Econometrica, 61: 523-546, 1993.
- "Debt Constrained Asset Markets," (with T. Kehoe), Review of Economic Studies, 60: 865-888, 1993.
- "The Folk Theorem with Imperfect Public Information," (with D. Fudenberg and E. Maskin), Econometrica, 62: 997-1039, 1994, reprinted in Recent Developments in Game Theory edited by Eric Maskin, Edward Elgard, 1994; Cartels edited by Stephen Salant and Margaret Levenstein, Edward Elgar, 2004.
- "Modeling Altruism and Spitefulness in Experiments," Review of Economic Dynamics, 1: 593-622, 1998.
- "A Dual Self Model of Impulse Control," (with D. Fudenberg), American Economic Review, 96: 1449-1476, 2006.
- "The Paradox of Voter Participation: A Laboratory Study," (with T. Palfrey), American Political Science Review, 101: 143-158, 2007.
- "The Case Against Patents," (with M. Boldrin), Journal of Economic Perspectives, 27: 3-22, 2013.
- "Voter Turnout with Peer Punishment," (with A. Mattozzi), American Economic Review, 110: 3298-3314, 2020.
- "Soviet Oil and Natural Gas in the Global Perspective," (with J. Hardt and R. Bresnick), Project Interdependence: U.S. and World Energy Outlook through 1990, U.S. GPO, Committee Print 95-33: Washington, 787-857, 1977.
- "Subgame-Perfect Equilibria of Finite- and Infinite-Horizon Games," (with D. Fudenberg), Journal of Economic Theory, 31: 251-258, 1983.
- "A Remark on Serial Correlation in Maximum Likelihood," Journal of Econometrics, 23: 337-342, 1983.
- "Strike Activity, Wage Settlements and Rationality," (with D. Fudenberg and P. Ruud), in Current Thinking and Research in Labor Economics, ed. Walter Fogel, UCLA Institute of Industrial Relations: Los Angeles, 47-72, 1984.
- "Intertemporal Separability in Overlapping Generations Models," (with T. Kehoe), Journal of Economic Theory, 34: 216-226, 1984.
- "Regularity in Overlapping Generations Exchange Economies," (with T. Kehoe), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 13: 69-93, 1984.
- "The Financial Sector in the Planning of Economic Development," (with D. Backus and H. Blanco), in Financing Problems of Developing Countries, ed. Armin Gutowski, A. A. Arnaudo and Hans-Eckert Scharrer, St. Martin's Press: New York, 42-58, 1985.
- "Infinite-Horizon Models of Bargaining with One-Sided Incomplete Information," (with D. Fudenberg and J. Tirole), in Game-Theoretic Models of Bargaining, ed. Alvin E. Roth, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 73-98, 1985.
- "Estatica comparativa y prevision perfecta en economias con horizonte infinito," (with T. Kehoe), Cuadernos Economicos de ICE, 46: 203-226, 1985, translation of "Comparative Statics and Perfect Foresight in Infinite Horizon Economies".
- "Comparative Statics and Perfect Foresight in Infinite Horizon Economies," (with T. Kehoe), Econometrica, 53: 433-453, 1985.
- "Sensitivity of MLE to Measurement Error," Journal of Econometrics, 28: 223-230, 1985.
- "A Simple Durable Goods Model," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 100: 775-788, 1985.
- "Limit Games and Limit Equilibria," (with D. Fudenberg), Journal of Economic Theory, 38: 261-279, 1986.
- "Reverse Regressions for Latent Variable Models," Journal of Econometrics, 32: 291-292, 1986.
- "Incomplete Information Bargaining with Outside Opportunities," (with D. Fudenberg and J. Tirole), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 102: 37-57, 1987.
- "Nash Equilibria Equal Competitive Equilibria," Economics Letters, 25: 301-302, 1987.
- "Open and Closed-Loop Equilibria in Dynamic Games With Many Players," (with D. Fudenberg), Journal of Economic Theory, 44: 1-18, 1988.
- "On the Robustness of Equilibrium Refinements," (with D. Fudenberg and D. Kreps), Journal of Economic Theory, 44: 354-380, 1988.
- "Reputation and Equilibrium Selection in Games with a Patient Player," (with D. Fudenberg), Econometrica, 57: 759-778, 1989.
- "Steady States and Determinacy in Economies with Infinitely Lived Agents," (with T. Kehoe and P. Romer), in Joan Robinson and Modern Economic Theory, ed. G. Feiwel, New York University Press: New York, 521-544, 1989.
- "Determinacy of Equilibrium in Large Square Economies," (with T. Kehoe, A. Mas-Colell and W. Zame), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 18: 231-262, 1989.
- "Infinite Horizon Equilibrium with Incomplete Markets," Journal of Mathematical Economics, 18: 357-376, 1989.
- "Efficiency and the Value of Money," Review of Economic Studies, 56: 77-88, 1989.
- "Reputation and Commitment in Long Run Relationships," (with D. Fudenberg), Cuadernos Economicos de ICE, 45: 97-120, 1990.
- "Indeterminacy in Applied Intertemporal General Equilibrium Models," (with T. Kehoe), in General Equilibrium Modeling and Policy Analysis, ed. Lars Bergman, Dale W. Jorgenson and Erno Zala, Basil Blackwell: Oxford, 111-148, 1990.
- "The Economics of Indeterminacy in Overlapping Generations Models," (with T. Kehoe), Journal of Public Economics, 42: 219-243, 1990.
- "Dynamic Externalities and Competitive Equilibrium," (with T. Kehoe and P. Romer), Cuadernos Economicos de ICE, 46: 261-278, 1990.
- "Determinacy of Equilibrium in Dynamic Models with Finitely Many Consumers," (with T. Kehoe and P. Romer), Journal of Economic Theory, 50: 1-21, 1990.
- "An Approximate Folk Theorem with Imperfect Private Information," (with D. Fudenberg), Journal of Economic Theory, 54: 26-47, 1991.
- "Gross Substitutes in Large Square Economics," (with T. Kehoe, A. Mas-Colell and M. Woodford), Journal of Economic Theory, 54: 1-25, 1991.
- "Asset Trading Mechanisms and Expansionary Policy," Journal of Economic Theory, 54: 148-164, 1991.
- "Maintaining a Reputation when Strategies are Imperfectly Observed," (with D. Fudenberg), Review of Economic Studies, 59: 561-580, 1992.
- "The Optimum Quantity of Money Revisited," (with T. Kehoe and M. Woodford), in Economic Analysis of Markets and Games, ed. Dasgupta, Gale, Hart and Maskin, MIT Press: Cambridge, 501-526, 1992.
- "On Characterizing Equilibria of Models with Externalities and Taxes as Solutions to Optimization Problems," (with T. Kehoe and P. Romer), Economic Theory, 2: 43-68, 1992.
- "Steady State Learning and Nash Equilibrium," (with D. Fudenberg), Econometrica, 61: 547-573, 1993.
- "Self-Confirming Equilibrium," (with D. Fudenberg), Econometrica, 61: 523-546, 1993.
- "Equilibrio Autoconfirmado," (with D. Fudenberg), Cuadernos Economicos de ICE, 60: 13-38, 1993, translated from "Self-Confirming Equilibrium".
- "Debt Constrained Asset Markets," (with T. Kehoe), Review of Economic Studies, 60: 865-888, 1993.
- "Trembling Invisible Hand Equilibrium," Journal of Economic Theory, 59: 239-256, 1993.
- "Efficiency and Observability with Long-Run and Short-Run Players," (with D. Fudenberg), Journal of Economic Theory, 62: 103-135, 1994.
- "The Folk Theorem with Imperfect Public Information," (with D. Fudenberg and E. Maskin), Econometrica, 62: 997-1039, 1994, reprinted in Recent Developments in Game Theory edited by Eric Maskin, Edward Elgard, 1994; Cartels edited by Stephen Salant and Margaret Levenstein, Edward Elgar, 2004.
- "The Folk Theorem with Imperfect Public Information," (with D. Fudenberg and E. Maskin), in Recent Developments in Game Theory, ed. E. Maskin, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, 1994, reprinted from Econometrica.
- "Consistency and Cautious Fictitious Play," (with D. Fudenberg), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 19: 1065-1090, 1995.
- "When Are Agents Negligible?," (with W. Pesendorfer), American Economic Review, 85: 1160-1170, 1995.
- "Maintaining a Reputation against a Patient Opponent," (with M. Celentani, D. Fudenberg and W. Pesendorfer), Econometrica, 64: 691-704, 1996.
- "Debt Constraints and Equilibrium in Infinite Horizon Economies with Incomplete Markets," (with W. Zame), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 26: 103-131, 1996.
- "Measuring Subject’s Losses in Experimental Games," (with D. Fudenberg), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 112: 508-536, 1997.
- "Learning in Games," (with D. Fudenberg), European Economic Review, 42: 631-639, 1998.
- "When are Non-Anonymous Players Negligible," (with D. Fudenberg and W. Pesendorfer), Journal of Economic Theory, 79: 46-71, 1998.
- "Modeling Altruism and Spitefulness in Experiments," Review of Economic Dynamics, 1: 593-622, 1998.
- "Reputation with Noisy Precommitment," (with C. Martinelli), Journal of Economic Theory, 78: 55-75, 1998.
- "Payoff Information and Self-Confirming Equilibrium," (with E. Dekel and D. Fudenberg), Journal of Economic Theory, 89: 165-185, 1999.
- "Introduction to Learning in Games: A Symposium in Honor of David Blackwell," (with D. Foster and R. Vohra), Games and Economic Behavior, 29: 1-6, 1999.
- "An Easier Way to Calibrate," (with D. Fudenberg), Games and Economic Behavior, 29: 131-137, 1999.
- "Conditional Universal Consistency," (with D. Fudenberg), Games and Economic Behavior, 29: :104-130, 1999.
- "Learning in the Stock Flow Model," in Money, Markets and Method: Essays in Honour of Robert W. Clower, ed. P. Howitt, E. de Antoni and A. Leijonhufvud, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, 236-246, 1999.
- "Risk Sharing and Market Incompleteness," (with W. Zame), in The Theory of Markets and Their Functioning, ed. P.J.J. Herings, G. van der Laan, and A.J.J. Talman, North-Holland: Amsterdam, 217-228, 1999.
- "The Castle on the Hill," Review of Economic Dynamics, 3: 330-337, 2000.
- "Introduction: The Dynamic Games Special Issue," (with A. Rustichini), Review of Economic Dynamics, 3: 213-215, 2000.
- "Factor Saving Innovation," (with M. Boldrin), Journal of Economic Theory, 105: 18-41, 2001.
- "Growth Cycles and Market Crashes," (with M. Boldrin), Journal of Economic Theory, 96: 13-39, 2001.
- "Evolution and Information in a Gift Giving Game," (with P. Johnson and W. Pesendorfer), Journal of Economic Theory, 100: 1-22, 2001.
- "Liquidity Constrained vs. Debt Constrained Markets," (with T. Kehoe), Econometrica, 69: 575-598, 2001.
- "Game Theory," Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, Nature Publishing Group: Basingstoke, 2001.
- "Does Market Incompleteness Matter," (with W. Zame), Econometrica, 70: 1805-1840, 2001.
- "The Case Against Intellectual Property," (with M. Boldrin), American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 92: 209-212, 2002.
- "Information Aggregation, Currency Swaps, and the Design of Derivative Securities," (with B. Chowdhry and M. Grinblatt), Journal of Political Economy, 110: 609-633, 2002.
- "Subjective Uncertainty Over Behavior Strategies: A Correction," (with E. Dekel and D. Fudenberg), Journal of Economic Theory, 104: 473-478, 2002.
- "Lotteries, Sunspots and Incentive Constraints," (with T. Kehoe and E. Prescott), Journal of Economic Theory, 107: 39-69, 2002.
- "Modeling Altruism and Spitefulness in Experiments," in Critical Studies in Economic Institutions: Trust, ed. G. M. Hodgson and E. L. Khalil, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, 2002, reprinted from Review of Economic Dynamics.
- "The Economics of Ideas and Intellectual Property," (with M. Boldrin), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 102: 1252-1256, 2004.
- "Rent Seeking and Innovation," (with M. Boldrin), Journal of Monetary Economics, 51: 127-160, 2004.
- "IER Lawrence Klein Lecture: The Case Against Intellectual Monopoly," (with M. Boldrin), International Economic Review, 45: 327-350, 2004.
- "Learning to Play Bayesian Games," (with E. Dekel and D. Fudenberg), Games and Economic Behavior, 46: 282-303, 2004.
- "Comments on Bruce Smith's Work," (with A. Rolnick and K. Shell), Economic Theory, 24: 733-739, 2004.
- "Innovacio - a verseny szemszogebol," (with M. Boldrin), Kozgazdasagi Szemle, LII: 537-555, 2005.
- "Intellectual Property and the Efficient Allocation of Surplus from Creation," (with M. Boldrin), Review of Research on Copyright Issues, 2: 45-66, 2005.
- "Learning and Belief Based Trading," (with D. Fudenberg), The Latin American Journal of Economics, 42: 199-207, 2005.
- "Superstition and Rational Learning," (with D. Fudenberg), American Economic Review, 96: 1449-1476, 2005.
- "Globalization, Intellectual Property, and Economic Prosperity," (with M. Boldrin), Spanish Economic Review, 8: 23-34, 2006.
- "Intellectual Property and the Efficient Allocation of Surplus from Innovations," (with M. Boldrin), in Property Rights Dynamics. A Law and Economics Perspective, ed. Donatella Porrini and Giovanni Battista Ramello, Routledge: London, 2006.
- "A Dual Self Model of Impulse Control," (with D. Fudenberg), American Economic Review, 96: 1449-1476, 2006.
- "Can A Turing Player Identify Itself?," (with B. Szentes), Economics Bulletin, 1: 1-6, 2006.
- "Deterrence in the Cold War and the War on Terror," (with R. Levine), Defence and Peace Economics, 17: 605-617, 2006.
- "An Economists Perspective on Multi-Agent Learning," (with D. Fudenberg), Artificial Intelligence, 171, 2007.
- "The Nash Threats Folk Theorem With Communication and Approximate Common Knowledge in Two Player Games," (with D. Fudenberg), Journal of Economic Theory, 132: 461-473, 2007.
- "Continuous Time Limits of Repeated Games with Imperfect Public Monitoring," (with D. Fudenberg), Review of Economic Dynamics, 10: 173-192, 2007.
- "Perfect Public Equilibrium When Players are Patient," (with D. Fudenberg and S. Takahashi), Games and Economic Behavior, 61: 27-49, 2007.
- "Review: Beyond Individual Choice by Michael Bacharach with Natalie Gold and Robert Sugden," Journal of Economic Literature, 15: 745-746, 2007.
- "The Paradox of Voter Participation: A Laboratory Study," (with T. Palfrey), American Political Science Review, 101: 143-158, 2007.
- "Evolution of Cooperation Through Imitation," (with W. Pesendorfer), Games and Economic Behavior, 58: 293-315, 2007.
- "All the Interesting Questions, Almost All the Wrong Reasons," (with M. Boldrin), in Revisiting Keynes, ed. L. Pecchi and G. Piga, MIT Press: Cambridge, 2008.
- "Perfectly Competitive Innovation," (with M. Boldrin), Journal of Monetary Economics, 55: 435-453, 2008.
- "When is Reputation Bad," (with J. Ely and D. Fudenberg), Games and Economic Behavior, 63: 498-526, 2008.
- "Policy Platforms, Campaign Spending and Voter Participation," (with H. Herrera and C. Martinelli), Journal of Public Economics, 92: 501-513, 2008.
- "Bankruptcy and Collateral in Debt Constrained Models," (with T. Kehoe), in Macroeconomics in the Small and the Large, ed. Roger E.A. Farmer, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, 2008.
- "A Model of Discovery," (with M. Boldrin), American Economic Review P&P, 99: 337-342, 2009.
- "Market Size and Intellectual Property Protection," (with M. Boldrin), International Economic Review, 50: 855-881, 2009.
- "Market Structure and Property Rights in Open Source," (with M. Boldrin), Washington University Journal of Law & Policy , 2009.
- "Does Intellectual Monopoly Help Innovation," (with M. Boldrin), Review of Law and Economics, 5: 2, 2009.
- "Self Confirming Equilibrium and the Lucas Critique," (with D. Fudenberg), Journal of Economic Theory, 144: 2354-2371, 2009.
- "Learning-Theoretic Foundations for Equilibrium Analysis," (with D. Fudenberg), Annual Review of Economics, 1, 2009.
- "Repeated Games with Frequent Signals," (with D. Fudenberg), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 124: 233-265, 2009.
- "The Slippery Slope of Concession," (with J. Hirshleifer and M. Boldrin), Economic Inquiry, 47: 197-205, 2009.
- "New Approaches to Rewarding Pharmaceutical Innovation," (with P. Grootendorst, A. Hollis, T. Pogge and A. Edwards), Canadian Medical Association Journal, 2010.
- "The Relationship of Economic Theory to Experiments," (with J. Zheng), in The Methods of Modern Experimental Economics, ed. Guillame Frechette and Andrew Schotter, Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2010.
- "The Brother in Law Effect," (with F. Weinschelbaum and F. Zurita), International Economic Review, 51: 497-507, 2010.
- "Competition and Innovation," (with M. Boldrin, J. Allamand and C. Ornaghi), Cato Papers on Public Policy, Cato: Washington, 2011.
- "Risk, Delay, and Convex Self-Control Costs," (with D. Fudenberg), AEJ Micro, 3: 34–68, 2011.
- "Neuroeconomics?," International Review of Economics, 10.1007/: s12232-011-0128-7, 2011.
- "Timing and Self-Control," (with D. Fudenberg), Econometrica, 80: 1-42, 2012.
- "Fairness and Independence: An Impossibility Theorem," (with D. Fudenberg), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 81 :606-12, 2012.
- "On the Robustness of Anchoring Effects in WTP and WTA Experiments," (with D. Fudenberg and Z. Maniadis), AEJ Micro, 4: 131-145, 2012.
- "Monopoly and the Incentive to Innovate When Adoption Involves Switchover Disruptions," (with T. Holmes and J. Schmitz Jr), AEJ Micro, 4: 1-33, 2012.
- "Production Chains," Review of Economic Dynamics, 15: 271-282, 2012.
- "The Case Against Patents," (with M. Boldrin), Journal of Economic Perspectives, 27: 3-22, 2013.
- "What’s Intellectual Property Good for?," (with M. Boldrin), Revue Economique, 64:29-53, 2013.
- "Anti-Malthus: Conflict and the Evolution of Societies," (with S. Modica), Research in Economics, 67: 289-306, 2013, formerly titled "Anti-Malthus: Evolution, Population, and the Maximization of Free Resources".
- "Tail Probabilities for Triangular Arrays," (with D. Fudenberg), AIMS' Journals: Journal of Dynamics and Games, 1:1: pubID=607, 2014.
- "Learning with Recency Bias," (with D. Fudenberg), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111: 10826-10829, 2014.
- "An Approximate Dual-Self Model and Paradoxes of Choice under Risk," (with D. Fudenberg and Z. Maniadis), Journal of Economic Psychology, 41: 55-67, 2014.
- "Intellectual Property," (with M. Boldrin), in Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences, ed. Bob Scott, Stephen Kosslyn, and Nancy Pinkerton, Wiley: New Jersey, 2015.
- "A Unifying Learning Framework for Building Artificial Game-Playing Agents," (with W. Chen and Y. Chen), Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 73: 335-358, 2015.
- "Evolving to the Impatience Trap: The Example of the Farmer-Sheriff Game," (with S. Modica, F. Weinschelbaum and F. Zurita), AEJ: Microeconomics, 7: 295-317, 2015.
- "Codes of Conduct, Private Information and Repeated Games," (with J. Block), International Journal of Game Theory, 45: 971-84., 2016.
- "Whither Game Theory?," (with D. Fudenberg), Journal of Economic Perspectives, 30: 151-70, 2016.
- "Dynamics in Stochastic Evolutionary Models," (with S. Modica), Theoretical Economics, 1: 89-131, 2016.
- "Peer Discipline and Incentives Within Groups," (with S. Modica), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 23: 19-30, 2016.
- "A Folk Theorem with Codes of Conduct," (with J. Block), Economic Theory Bulletin, 5: 9-19, 2017.
- "Size, Fungibility, and the Strength of Lobbying Organizations," (with S. Modica), European Journal of Political Economy, 49: 71-83, 2017.
- "Collusion Constrained Equilibrium," (with R. Dutta and S. Modica), Theoretical Economics, 13: 307-340, 2018.
- "Entertaining Malthus: Bread, Circuses and Economic Growth," (with R. Dutta, N. Papageorge and L. Wu), Economic Inquiry, 56: 358-380, 2018.
- "Introduction to Special Issue in Honor of Lloyd Shapley: Seven Topics in Game Theory," Games and Economic Behavior, 108: 1-12, 2018.
- "Imitation," Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, : , 2018.
- "The Political Economy of Policy Implementation," (with A. Mattozzi), in ADEMU VoxEU, ed. Ramon Marimon, : , 2018.
- "An Evolutionary Model of Intervention and Peace," (with S. Modica), Economic Policy, 33: 361-402, 2018.
- "Learning Dynamics Based on Social Comparisons," (with J. Block and D. Fudenberg), Theoretical Economics, 1: 135-172, 2019.
- "Damned if You Do and Damned if You Don't: Two Masters," (with R. Dutta and S. Modica), Journal of Economic Theory, 177: 101-125, 2019.
- "Learning in Games and the Interpretation of Natural Experiments," (with D. Fudenberg), AEJ: Micro, 14: 353-377, 2020.
- "Radical Markets by Eric Posner and Glen Weyl: a review essay," Journal of Economic Literature, 58: 471-487, 2020.
- "Voter Turnout with Peer Punishment," (with A. Mattozzi), American Economic Review, 110: 3298-3314, 2020.
- "Reforming Patent Law: The Case of Covid‐19," (with M. Boldrin), The Cato Journal, 41: 773-784, 2021.
- "Special Issue in honor of Nicholas C. Yannelis," (with B. Cornet, M. Khan and E. Prescott), Economic Theory, 71: 795-798, 2021.
- "The Whip and the Bible: Punishment Versus Internalization," (with R. Dutta and S. Modica), Journal of Public Economic Theory, 23: 858-894, 2021.
- "Sins of Omission and Commission in Complex Systems," (with D. Fudenberg), International Journal of Game Theory, forthcoming, 2021.
- "The Reputation Trap," Econometrica, 89: 2659-2678, 2021.
- "Fine Cartels," Economic Theory Bulletin, 9: 155–166, 2021.
- "State Power and Conflict Driven Evolution," (with S. Modica), in Handbook of Historical Economics, ed. Alberto Bisin and Giovanni Federico, Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2021.
- "Trade Associations: Why Not Cartels?," (with A. Mattozzi and S. Modica), International Economic Review, 62: 47-64, 2021.
- "Failing to Provide Public Goods: Why the Afghan Army did not Fight," (with R. Dutta and S. Modica), Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, 104, 2022.
- "Interventions with Sticky Social Norms: A Critique," (with R. Dutta and S. Modica), Journal of the European Economic Association, 20: 39-78, 2022.
- "Review of Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn’t, and Why It Matters (By Stephen E. Koonin)," Business Economics, 1: 31-34, 2022.
- "Success in Contests," (with A. Mattozzi), Economic Theory, 73: 595-624, 2022.
- "Survival of the Weakest: Why the West Rules," (with S. Modica), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 204: 394-421, 2022.
- "Adjusting to Change in Complex Systems," (with D. Fudenberg), Network Law Review, 2023.
- "Twin Peaks: Expressive Externality in Group Participation," (with S. Modica and J. Sun), Journal of Public Economic Theory, 25: 897-929, 2023.
- "A Theory of the Dynamics of Factor Shares," (with M. Boldrin, Y. Wang and L. Zhu), Journal of Monetary Economics, forthcoming, 2024.
- "On Concave Functions over Lotteries," (with R. Corrao and D. Fudenberg), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 110, 2024.
- "Razor-Thin Mass Elections with High Turnout," (with C. Martinelli), International Economic Review, forthcoming, 2024.
- "The Tripartite Auction Folk Theorem," (with A. Mattozzi and S. Modica), European Economic Review, 162, 2024.
- "Leaders and Social Norms: On the Emergence of Consensus or Conflict," (with J. Block and R. Dutta), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, forthcoming, 2025.
- "Altruism and Self Control," (with A. Dreber, D. Fudenberg and D. Rand), EUI.
- "Labor Associations: The Blue Wall of Silence," (with A. Mattozzi and S. Modica), EUI.
- "Adversarial forecasters, surprises and randomization," (with R. Corrao and D. Fudenberg), EUI.
- "True Myths," EUI.
- "Phoenix From the Ashes: The Evolution of Mechanism Designers," EUI.
- "Polarization and Electoral Balance," (with A. Mattozzi), EUI, formerly titled "Gresham's Law for Politicians".
- "Social Mechanisms and Political Economy: When Lobbyists Succeed, Pollsters Fail and Populists Win," (with A. Mattozzi and S. Modica), EUI.
- "Efficiently Breaking the Folk Theorem by Reliably Communicating Long Term Commitments," RHUL.
- "Cooperating Through Leaders," (with S. Modica and A. Rustichini), EUI.
- "Method of Moments and Maximum Likelihood in the Laboratory," RHUL.
- "Behavioral Mechanism Design in the Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma," RHUL.
- "When to Appease and When to Punish: Hitler, Putin, and Hamas," (with L. Ohanian), RHUL.
- "Vote or Fight?," (with C. Martinelli and N. Stoelinga), RHUL.
- "Behavioral Mechanism Design as a Benchmark for Experimental Studies," RHUL.
- Guido Tabellini,
1984, "The Formation of Expectations and Central Bank Behavior,"
Director, Innocenzo Gasparini Institute for Economic Research
- Yoon Ha Yoo, 1985,
"Reputation and Signaling in a Model of Monetary Policy," Senior
Research Fellow, Korea Development Institute (Korea)
- David Reiffen, 1985, "A Model of
Heterogeneous Labor Markets," Federal Trade Commission
- In Ho Lee, 1992, "Essays
Information Aggregation and Market Crashes," Professor of
Economics Seoul National University
- Youngse Kim, 1992, "Learning
and Equilibrium Selection in Games," Professor, Yonsei University
- Carolina Leme, 1993, "
External Debt and Foreign Direct Investment: The Brazilian Experience,"
Centro Brasileiro De Analise E Planejamento (Brazil)
- Marco Celentani, 1993, "Essays
on Reputation," Associate Professor, Carlos III of Madrid (Spain)
- Cesar Martinelli, 1993, "Essays
on the Political Economy of Economic Reform," Professor, ITAM
- Jong-Won Yoon, 1994, "Circuit
and Price Discovery: Theory and Evidence [2,3,4,6,7,T,A],"
Assistant Secretary to the President of Korea
- Graciela Marine-Rodriguez,
1995, "The Role of
Counterfactuals in the Foundations of Equilibrium Concepts in Game
Theory," Researcher in Corporate Finance and Entrepreneurship,
Witten Herdecke University
- Josef Perktold,
1995, "Asymmetric Information in Markets and In Economic Policy,"
Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Rochester
- Sawoong Kang, 1996, "Essays
Social Learning and Optimal Committee Size," Assistant Professor,
Handong University (Korea)
- Tessie Su, 1997, "Investments in
Human Capital, Technology, and Intangible Assets," Economists
- Phillip Johnson, 1997, "Essays
on Capital Markets: Frictions and Social Forces," Econ One
- Sara Castellanos, 1998, "Essays on Applied
Microeconomic Theory: An Analysis of Mexico's Privatization Mechanisms
and Loan market Regulation," Senior Economist, Banco de Mexico
- Felipe Zurita, 1998,
"Essays on Speculation,"
Professor Auxiliar, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
- Gerardo Licandro, 2000, "Monetary
Policy Coordination, Monetary Integration and Other Essays,"
Senior economist, Research Department, Central Bank of Uruguay and
Associate Professor, Universidad de la Republica, Facultad de Ciencias
Sociales, Departamento de Economia
- Walter Cont, 2001, "Essays
on Contract Design: Delegation and Agency Problems and Monitoring
Under Collusion," FIEL, Argentina
- Jose Wynne, 2001, "Financial
Frictions in Business Cycles, Trade and Growth," Assistant
Professor, Duke Fuqua School of Business
- Kichool Park, 2001, "Essays
on Strategic Experimentation," Assistant Professor, Cornell
- Pedro Dal Bo, 2002, "Three
Essays on Repeated Games," Assistant Professor, Brown University
- Eric Szu-Wen Chou, 2002, "Flattened Resource Allocation,
Hierarch Design and the Boundaries of the Firm," Assistant
Professor, National Tsing Hua University Taiwan
- Richard Scheelings, 2005, "Essays in Law and Economics",
Lecturer, Monash University, Australia
- Matias Iaryczower, 2005, "Essays
on Political Influence," Assistant Professor, California Institute
of Technology
- Seda Ertac, 2006, "Essays
on Self-Perception and Information Revelation," Assistant
Professor, Koc University, Turkey
- Mariano Tappata,
2006, "Essays in Industrial Organization,"
Assistant Professor, University of British Columbia Sauder School of
- Yi Zhang, 2007, "Three
Essays on Herding and Group Reputation," Assistant Professor,
Singapore Management University
- Paulo Melo-Filho, 2007, "Essays
on Political Economy," Post-Doctoral Fellow, Carlos III of
Madrid (Spain)
- Nina Walton, 2008, Assistant
Professor, USC Law School
- Zacharias Maniadis, 2008, "Essays
in Aggregate Information, The Media and Special Interests,"Post-Doctoral
Fellow, Bocconi University
- Viola Chen, 2008, "Essays
in Applied Theory," Federal Trade Commission
- Guillermo Ordonez, 2008, "Essays
on Learning and Macroeconomics," Assistant Professor, Yale
- Jaeok Park, 2009,
finished under Joseph Ostroy
- Matteo Alvisi, 2011, "Essays on the Tragedy of the
Anticommons in Complementary-Good Markets" finished under Hugo
Hopenhayn, Assistant Professor, Bologna University
- Jie Zheng, 2011,
Essays on Microeconomics with Incomplete Information, Assistant
Professor, Tsinghua
- Dong Chuhl Oh, 2011, Contagion
of a Crisis, Corporate Governance and Credit Rationing,
Researcher, Bank of Korea
- Lei Gao, 2010 (finance), Leveraged
Buyouts, Long Term Relationship and Financial Contracting
- Carmen Astorne, 2012,
A Game Theoretic Approach to Behavioral Economics Assistant
Professor, Memphis
- Rohan Dutta, 2012
Essays on the Impact of Committment on Bargaining and Efficiency
Assistant Professor, McGill
- Taro Kumano, 2012
Essays on Real Life Assignment Problems Associate Professor,
Yokohama National University
- Haibo Xu, 2013 Essays
on Applied Economic Theory, Assistant Professor, Fudan University
- Gustavo Torrens, 2013 Essays
on Political Economy, Assistant Professor, Indiana University
- Yi-Yi Chen, 2014, Essays
in Experimental and Public Economics, Assistant Professor, Feng Chia
University, Taiwan
- Juan Block, 2014, Essays
on Self-Referential Games, Postdoctoral Fellow, Cambridge
- Ceyhun Coban, 2015, Essays
on Microeconomic Theory, Manager Risk Assessment, American Express
- Stephanie Heger, 2015,
Beliefs, Preferences and Traits: Essays on Charitable and Innovative
Behavior, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Sydney
- Sandip Agarwal, 2013
- Nicolas Aragon, 2017, Essays
on Macro-finance, Visiting Professor, Carlos III
- Milena Wittwer, 2018, Pay
As Bid Auctions in Theory and Practice Graduate Student, Stanford
- Carmen Garcia Galindo, 2018,
Essays on Cartels and Competition
Policy, Researcher H2020 Research Project SOCLIMPACT
- Sylta Cornils, 2018, Essays
in Political Economy, Postdoctoral Fellow, Lund University
- Filip Lazaric, 2019, Essays
in Political Economy, Ergon Capital
- Julie Pinoli, 2019, Essays
on the Economics of Social Interactions, Data Scientist, Google
- Egon Tripodi, 2020, Belief
Formation and Prosocial Behavior, Assistant Professor, University
of Essex
- Mustafa Kaba, 2020, Three
Essays in Empirical Political Economy, Postdoctoral Fellow, Bonn
- David Andres Cerezo, 2021, Essays in Applied Microeconomic
Theory, Postdoctoral Fellow, Carlos III
- Hanno Kase, 2021, Essays On
Quantitative Macroeconomics, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of
- Nicole Stoelinga, 2023,
Essays On Conflict and Development, Postdoctoral Fellow, Max Planck
- Konuray Mutluer, 2023,
Essays on the Theory of Collective Action, Postdoctoral Fellow, CERGE-EI
- Nihan Akhan, 2023, Essays on
Corporate Policies and Lobbying, Postdoctoral Fellow, Oxford
- Philip Hanspach, 2023,
Modern Markets, Competition in the 21st Century, Junior Economist OECD
- Marta Korczak, 2024